


Enterprise products for seed merchants and grain farmers

Calka Software Ltd provides enterprise software for Seed merchants and grain farmers. Our strategy is to reduce overall global grain loss rate by digitalising Grain farms and Seed storage facilities. long-term Plan involves introduction of Live IoT management and Monitoring Service called Sensorfarm Global.

RS4 - SEED Bank System

RS4 solves the problem of excessive crop losses by Registering crops intake during harvest.

The System uses Sampling method per grain Product to present combined Reports at hand. Works live and each sample is correlated with vehicle and grain type to easily pinpoint problems at the early stage like infested trailers or wet grains. The control panel Allows you to administrate your seed Crops, See statistics, make transfers or even generate Reports and bills exported directly to *.xLS files.


SensoRFarm Global service

Calka Software Ltd is developing Sensorfarm Global, a groundbreaking agricultural innovation that will harness the power of IoT to enable farmers to track crop growth using intelligent data modelling, resulting in more efficient crop management, improved storage, and reduced environmental impact.

This project draws on the Calka Software team’s established track record of delivering highly innovative software solutions to furnish farmers with the tools data to bring agricultural management firmly into the 21st century.  



pin  Unit 5-6 East Park, Crawley, England, RH10 6AG